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electric field gradient中文是什么意思

用"electric field gradient"造句"electric field gradient"怎么读"electric field gradient" in a sentence


  • 电场梯度


  • It has high selectivity in adsorpting water , polar molecule or polarizable molecule on account of the existing of mighty coulomb field and polar interaction in the internal of crystal cave of zeolite , the high electric field gradient and the uneven surface caused by the exposure of exchangable cation of equilibrium framework negative charge in framework structures
用"electric field gradient"造句  



In atomic, molecular, and solid-state physics, the electric field gradient (EFG) measures the rate of change of the electric field at an atomic nucleus generated by the electronic charge distribution and the other nuclei. The EFG couples with the nuclear electric quadrupole moment of quadrupolar nuclei (those with spin quantum number greater than one-half) to generate an effect which can be measured using several spectroscopic methods, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR, ESR), nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), M?ssbauer spectroscopy or perturbed angular correlation (PAC).
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